Why You’re New Year’s Resolutions Aren’t Sticking and How to Keep Them

I’m gonna be honest with you- I think New Year’s resolutions are pointless. That is, I think the way we make our resolutions is pointless because we usually forget about them or just don’t want to do them a few weeks after me make them.

But why? Why do we give up so easily on something that we know is going to better ourselves in the long run? Working out everyday, drinking less alcohol, eating more vegetables, reading more books instead of watching tv or our phones, the list goes on and on of all the good things that we conjure up that first day of January. So why do we stop doing them?

Why your very general goals aren’t enough

“Why”. That’s why. Let’s take “going to the gym” as an example. Going to the gym, getting your cardio on- that’s a good thing. But why are you going? A broad statement like “to lose weight” or “to get stronger,” while those are great reasons, are not going to make you pop out of bed in the morning to go to the gym when your sweatpants are nice and cozy and you already have enough strength to pour a cup of coffee.

“Be specific… Be oddly specific”

The issue with broad, general goals is that we can make that goal subjective to how we are feeling any particular day. Be specific with your goals. Be oddly specific.

I’ll give you my own example: I want to be able to do a pull up, effortlessly. But not just to be able to do a pull up so I can give myself a pat on the back and a gold star. I want this so that whenever my family and I go hiking I can climb freely on any rock, tree, or abandoned building that I choose. Ok, that seems a strange, but what can I say, I like to climb things, and the views are always better high up.

Visualize the Details

Now it’s time for me to get to work. I got the gym membership, and I know you can’t (or shouldn’t) solely work out one muscle group, there needs to be balance. But, I have my goal in mind and I will visibly be able to track my progress in a way that allows me to feel like I am actually making progress. The next time I go on a hike to Potato Chip rock, will I be able to hang off the edge to get that perfect picture for Instagram without the fear of tumbling to my death? No? Then I know I need to get back at it a little more. Going to the gym now becomes fun because I can envision myself dangling from the edge and pulling myself up with a smile.

What are your goals? The big general ones. Now, why do you REALLY want to accomplish that goal. Remember- oddly specific. Now you can work on the HOW to accomplish that goal and have that smiling visual every time you don’t feel like doing it.

Here’s a free printable to help you with your goals! Make sure to share them with me so we can all grow together!

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